The Leading Service Provider to Scholarly Publishers With the Fastest Turnaround Times in the Industry

Full-service production management with issue-based or article-based workflows. Working with Knowledgeworks Global Ltd. translates to the right solution, at the right time, for the right price. With full-service editorial and production offices both on-shore and off-shore, we have the ability to “right-shore” a solution that best fits into a publisher’s requirements.

Record-Setting Speed

Transforming publishers' content from manuscript to designed pages in record-setting speed. With our combination of on-shore and off-shore resources using Smart Suite®, shelf-time is reduced by up to 4 days.

Quality Guarantee

Custom quality control checks and validation integrates with multiple publisher-specific Schematron rules. Our customers are seeing conversion error rates drop dramatically while the speed of proofs increase exponentially.

  • weekly reporting

  • dashboard and metrics

  • article tracking

  • publisher-specific KPIs

  • ISO/ISMS certified operations

  • Six Sigma project managers


Turnaround times, quality, and composition have improved continuously this year. We’ve been able to reduce the turnaround times in the schedule, reflecting your performance over the past 18 months. XML deliveries were good!
— Hendrik Wittkopf , Global Supplier Manager , SAGE Publications Ltd.