The ORCID Standard or Why My Journal Needs to Implement Another Metadata Standard

ORCID Adoption is Widespread

Early this year ORCID shared some impressive new metrics

  • nearly two million researchers have registered

  • more than 200 systems have integrated

  • research funders are requiring ORCID iDs at the grant application process

Three publishers have required ORCID iDs for their authors---eLife, PLOS, and The Royal Society. Even more publishers will make this a requirement in the coming months. All great news for the adoption of this important industry standard. As more connections are established between publishers, authors, funders, and service providers the scholarly industry as a whole benefits.

While the tipping point for widespread adoption and integration is nigh there are still many publishers in the planning stages or just unsure where to start. For those organizations, we thought it was time to provide a primer and reinforce the benefits for publishers to adopt the ORCID standard.


The ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) initiative provides the scholarly community with a dedicated digital identifier that consolidates professional activities, ensuring a comprehensive account of a researcher’s career is maintained and recognized in the publishing community.


Authors, researchers, grant writers, academics simply register online for an ORCID identification (ID) number. Once assigned, the unique ID provides a consistent and authenticated digital ID of professional activities:

  • a record of all publications

  • ongoing grant submissions and contributions

  • patents obtained and submitted

  • up-to-date affiliations

  • data sharing

The ORCID initiative also provides an open tool kit that allows for the easy transfer of ORCID IDs across modern STM publishing systems. When an author’s manuscript is published, the author’s personal record will be updated with the citation.  In other words, anyone registered with ORCID will have a constantly updated 'digital curriculum vitae.’

What are the Benefits to Publishers?

Universal Identification.  Using ORCID IDs in a publishing workflow allows publishing groups to easily track authors and contributors regardless of name changes or affiliation updates. A comprehensive list of an author’s publishing history provides conflict-of-interest insight during the peer-review process.

Validated Information. The system-to-system nature of the ORCID IDs generates a relationship of mutual trust and accountability while documenting real-time manuscript submissions and approval. Information is shared across manuscript submission systems and publication offices and automatically updated.

Improved Discoverability. ORCID IDs improve the quality of author citations, research works, and reviewer profiles by ensuring information is up to date and consolidated. ORCID provides a central registry that serves as a gateway for publishers and researchers, linking multiple datasets.

Here’s Where We Come in…

Cenveo Publisher Services ensures that publishers’ content is properly tagged to support ORCID IDs.  Capturing and validating the ORCID ID is maintained in Cenveo’s various workflows from article submission through publication. The Cadmus DTD v2.44 is updated to include an element linking back to the ORCID registry:

  <person-id type="orcid"></person-id>

All scholarly publishers can implement ORCID IDs into a workflow and reap the benefits of a global registry. Want to learn how we can help? Just click here!



Learn More About ORCID iDs


Mike Groth

Michael Groth is Director of Marketing at Cenveo Publisher Services, where he oversees all aspects of marketing strategy and implementation across digital, social, conference, advertising and PR channels. Mike has spent over 20 years in marketing for scholarly publishing, previously at Emerald, Ingenta, Publishers Communication Group, the New England Journal of Medicine and Wolters Kluwer. He has made the rounds at information industry events, organized conference sessions, presented at SSP, ALA, ER&L and Charleston, and blogged on topics ranging from market trends, library budgets and research impact, to emerging markets and online communities.. Twitter Handle: @mikegroth72