Rights & Permissions Service for Publishers

Copyright is far more than just a necessary evil to protect intellectual property from theft. Copyright furthers all creative interests by making the rich marketplace of ideas available to a wider audience. Resourceful rights and permissions management supports author content while maximizing the publisher’s budget.

Hiring one person to perform all the rights and permissions functions requires finding a pretty special person: an editorial specialist with enough copyright expertise to be an IP strategist, while being a skilled digital-image savvy photo researcher and database manager. That's why we offer R&P as a service for publishers.

Cenveo Publisher Services manages all aspects of text, image, and rich media content R&P. We assemble a team of project managers, assessment specialists, data entry staff, photo researchers, and permissions experts to support the management of R&P in your organization.

By identifying a rights strategy early, authors can stay on budget. Research and permissions runs alongside production cycles with clearly defined milestones. Targeted international expertise also allows a spectrum of pricing options. Contact us to learn how we can support R&P for your journals or books program.


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Mike Groth

Michael Groth is Director of Marketing at Cenveo Publisher Services, where he oversees all aspects of marketing strategy and implementation across digital, social, conference, advertising and PR channels. Mike has spent over 20 years in marketing for scholarly publishing, previously at Emerald, Ingenta, Publishers Communication Group, the New England Journal of Medicine and Wolters Kluwer. He has made the rounds at information industry events, organized conference sessions, presented at SSP, ALA, ER&L and Charleston, and blogged on topics ranging from market trends, library budgets and research impact, to emerging markets and online communities.. Twitter Handle: @mikegroth72