Revenue Growth in Education, Scholarly, and Trade Book Publishing

The Association of American Publishers shared revenue figures in its StatShot report. Revenue growth is up 4.9% for Q1 2017 compared with Q1 2016.

Both education and scholarly publishers experienced slight revenue bumps during the first quarter of 2017, compared with the first quarter of 2016.

Higher Education course materials wins the greatest growth award, reporting $92 million (24.3%) increase to $470.2 million in Q1 2017 compared with the Q1 2016. Revenues for Professional Publishing (business, medical, law, scientific and technical books) were up by $5 million (4.5%) to $119.5 million.


Mike Groth

Michael Groth is Director of Marketing at Cenveo Publisher Services, where he oversees all aspects of marketing strategy and implementation across digital, social, conference, advertising and PR channels. Mike has spent over 20 years in marketing for scholarly publishing, previously at Emerald, Ingenta, Publishers Communication Group, the New England Journal of Medicine and Wolters Kluwer. He has made the rounds at information industry events, organized conference sessions, presented at SSP, ALA, ER&L and Charleston, and blogged on topics ranging from market trends, library budgets and research impact, to emerging markets and online communities.. Twitter Handle: @mikegroth72