Survey: The Meaningful Work of Publishing

Survey: The Meaningful Work of Publishing

Often in life and work, we focus on the roadblocks in front of us and how to get over or around those and we forget to take the time to celebrate our wins, even small ones.

In a 2011 piece in The Harvard Business Review, the authors highlight the “progress principle” and note that “of all the things that can boost emotions, motivation, and perceptions during a workday, the single most important is making progress in meaningful work.” Noting the progress one has made, however small, is significant to helping workers feel motivated, creative, and productive. In a year and a half when many of us are struggling to adjust to an ever-changing crisis mode, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate the progress we have made as an industry.

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Can We Adjust to a World Without In-Person Publishing Events?

Can We Adjust to a World Without In-Person Publishing Events?

There are very few industries which cherish live events more than the publishing industry. From big global conferences to local literary festivals, networking events to gala dinners, award ceremonies to book launches, our industry is one which has been built on the foundations of face-to-face contact, the pressing of flesh, the forming of enduring and meaningful relationships, and getting out there to see and be seen.

This is why publishing, maybe more than any other profession, is facing something of an identity crisis as significant calendar events get cancelled, rescheduled or brought online due to COVID-19, thus transforming the way we’ve gone about our business for decades.

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