5 Wins for Science in a Chaotic Year

5 Wins for Science in a Chaotic Year

The past year has been eventful—to say the least—in the world of scientific research and academic publishing. Near constant crises, from the global pandemic to revelations about climate change to a turbulent presidential election all touched our daily lives and became the subjects of influential, fast-tracked journal articles. While much attention has been paid to an unfortunate proliferation of fake science due to current events, including our own previous blog post; peer-reviewed journals have persisted to make a positive and measurable impact, informing critical decisions about government, education, healthcare, and more. As a key partner in the scholarly information chain, we at KGL want to take a moment to spotlight some of the top (real) science stories since 2020 and how they have made an actual difference in our lives.

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COVID-19 and rapid publication: the new normal for scholarly communications?

COVID-19 and rapid publication: the new normal for scholarly communications?

Last week, a group of 30 epidemic modeling specialists going by the name of ‘the Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team’ released a 20-page document highlighting several stark truths about the strategies being deployed by the US and UK governments as they confronted the unprecedented challenges of the rampant global COVID-19 pandemic.

The scientists warned of the potentially devastating consequences of the ‘mitigation’ approaches being adopted, projecting 250,000 deaths in the UK and as many as 1.2m in the US should we continue along the same paths, while suggesting that a ‘suppression’ strategy would be far more effective at limiting the human cost and impact on healthcare systems.

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