SSP Preview – PUBLISH NOW: A True One-Stop Content Workflow for Scholarly Associations
/by KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd.
The marketplace for scholarly publishing has become increasingly difficult to navigate over the last several years. Independent and society publishers have had to cope with evolving business models focusing on new technology, sustainability, Open Access, and more; pressure to increase high-quality submissions; the growing need for speed to publication, particularly with potentially life-saving research; and expectations of a straightforward author and user experience. To remain competitive and to focus on their main task of publishing important content, publishers have had to rely on a variety of external service providers to help with or take on many of these processes.
While outsourcing has been helpful, contracting with different vendors to take on varying aspects of the publishing process adds its own complications and potential problems where systems don’t align. By working with a publishing solutions provider with the ability to take a manuscript from peer review to acceptance, through AI-powered copyediting, XML composition and author proofing, to electronic deliverables, online hosting, printing, and even marketing and management services, publishers are able to get the support they need in a seamless environment. Even if a publisher only seeks a vendor for one or two aspects of its program, having a partner who understands and works with the full publishing process can be vital.
Many society publishers may be considering contracting with a commercial publisher to solve this problem but at the expense of surrendering much of their operational autonomy. At the Society for Scholarly Publishing 2023 Annual Meeting, KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd. (KGL), will explore how publishers can maintain truly comprehensive journal workflows while still sustaining publishing independence.
The Industry Breakout Session, PUBLISH NOW: A True One-Stop Content Workflow for Scholarly Associations, will feature content and technology experts from across KGL, including Kevin Lomangino, Director of KGL Consulting; Alex Kahler, Head of KGL Editorial; and Tom Beyer, Platform Services Director, KGL PubFactory. They will speak to various joined-up and a la carte publishing services including editorial, production, intelligent automation, online hosting, and print through sister-company Sheridan—and how publishers can see streamlined solutions, accelerated publication, new hosting functionality, and improved outcomes.
“Anything we can do to more fully automate the process of getting content online and reducing the transition time between steps is a big win for our publishers,” said Beyer.
They will be joined on the panel by Stephanie Austin, Senior Director, Publications and Content Strategy, American Accounting Association who will share the publisher experience of implementing truly integrated workflows and how the organization has benefited and grown with the partnership.
“As a society publisher looking to modernize our journal delivery, adopting KGL Smart Suite is eliminating the inefficient, manual oversight of our prior processes and expediting our all-important time-to-publication,” said Austin. “Using the HTML version of Smart Proof in particular, is proving positive leap forward for our author satisfaction and one our board has been anticipating with enthusiasm.”
Attendees can expect to learn about joined up editorial office and peer review management, intelligent automation and web-based proofing on KGL Smart Suite® 3.0, integrated journal hosting on KGL PubFactory, and have an opportunity to talk to a publisher about their experience working with a comprehensive partner.
We hope you will join KGL’s Industry Breakout Session at the SSP Annual Meeting, May 31, 2023 at 2:15pm in the Oregon Convention Center in Portland. For more details of the session and everything KGL and Sheridan have going on at SSP this year, please see our SSP 2023 event page.