Knowledge Sharing: Five Minutes with Atul Goel, President of KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd.

Knowledge Sharing: Five Minutes with Atul Goel, President of KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd.

Earlier this month we announced the formation of KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd. (KGL), a new company with a long history as a content services provider, following the acquisition of Cenveo Publisher Services and Cenveo Learning by CJK Group. Today we talk to KGL’s president, Atul Goel, about how and why this acquisition came to fruition, what the implications are for the industry, and what we can expect from the combined company in the future.

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Confessions of an Accidental Editor

Confessions of an Accidental Editor

KGL’s Peter Olson blogs how an English major wound up copyediting science journals, what he has learned over his long career, and where to start to become an STEM journal copyeditor.

Copyediting is referred to by some as “the accidental profession,” and this pretty much sums up my own odyssey—and I’m not alone. If you were to survey the legion of copyeditors working today, many of them would reveal their secret identities as English Literature majors who, in sidestepping a career in academia, fell backwards into the vortex of copyediting—only to find that it was their true calling all along.

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KGL and the Scientific Publishing Community

KGL and the Scientific Publishing Community

It’s no secret that Sheridan Journal Services (now part of KGL) is dedicated to the scientific publishing community. This commitment is most strongly evidenced through Sheridan’s long-term and significant involvement with the Council of Science Editors (CSE). Through the years, Sheridan folks have held board and leadership positions, served on committees, and presented many courses to the CSE body.

We’d like to highlight two members of the SJS Publishing Services team who currently have active roles with CSE. Both Nancy Devaux, Process Improvement Manager, and Peter Olson, Senior Copyediting Coordinator, have participated in a variety of ways over the past decade to share their professional insights and expertise.

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