Top Five Author Pain Points

Top Five Author Pain Points

“If it doesn’t come bursting out of you in spite of everything, don’t do it,” wrote Charles Bukowski in his poem “So you want to be a writer?” Being an author isn’t easy. Writers experience challenges in research, struggle with expressing their thesis, and even have writer’s block at times. But even if the ideas, the story, the research, and the writing all come bursting out of a writer, the difficulties don’t end there. Once the work is written, writers must then attempt to get their work published. And, as any writer can tell you, navigating the publishing process may be even more difficult than writing in the first place.

From an author perspective, the lack of development of this process poses significant difficulties during a time when their earnings have declined dramatically—42 percent over the last decade, according to an Authors Guild survey of trade and academic writer associations. The following are some of the more significant pain points for authors that publishers can help them navigate.

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KGL and the Scientific Publishing Community

KGL and the Scientific Publishing Community

It’s no secret that Sheridan Journal Services (now part of KGL) is dedicated to the scientific publishing community. This commitment is most strongly evidenced through Sheridan’s long-term and significant involvement with the Council of Science Editors (CSE). Through the years, Sheridan folks have held board and leadership positions, served on committees, and presented many courses to the CSE body.

We’d like to highlight two members of the SJS Publishing Services team who currently have active roles with CSE. Both Nancy Devaux, Process Improvement Manager, and Peter Olson, Senior Copyediting Coordinator, have participated in a variety of ways over the past decade to share their professional insights and expertise.

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AI and NLP for Publishers: How Artificial Intelligence & Natural Language Processing Are Transforming Scholarly Communications

AI and NLP for Publishers: How Artificial Intelligence & Natural Language Processing Are Transforming Scholarly Communications

For scholarly publishers, AI capabilities have advanced to a degree that they can actually automate significant portions of their workflows, with massive implications for their businesses, their authors and the research community. In our latest report, AI and NLP for Publishers, we explore how AI and NLP are being used today in scholarly publishing and how it may impact the evolution of research. We also explore how the technology works and how publishers like Taylor & Francis are, with the help of KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd., realizing the benefits of intelligent automation.

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