Designing Your User Experience Strategy, Part 3 (The Creative Process)

Designing Your User Experience Strategy, Part 3 (The Creative Process)

When designing your publishing platform, there are many factors to consider to deliver an optimal user experience. It’s critical to establish a user-first driven process.

As discussed in parts 1 and 2, it is imperative that your web publishing platform be designed with accessibility, responsiveness, and consistency for all users and devices. Publisher websites are often built using templates and components to help present content in a familiar pattern that users recognize and can easily access. But when designing the “skin” for these experiences, maintain your stylistic uniqueness to strengthen your brand presence. Your brand’s attributes and voice must be visually communicated.

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Designing Your User Experience Strategy, Part 2 (Accessibility Improves Experience)

Designing Your User Experience Strategy, Part 2 (Accessibility Improves Experience)

Website accessibility is not a new topic. In fact, it’s been a factor since 2010 when the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) published standards that digital technology and information must be accessible to all people. At that point, most companies did not think that responsibility for website accessibility applied to them, or that they were required to address it unless they were receiving federal funds/grants. Additionally, the general perception was that creating accessible websites was more costly and entailed a lengthier process to implement. Not surprisingly, the ROI to include accessibility as part of the web design process was not considered valuable enough to be a default priority.

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Designing Your User Experience Strategy: Part 1

Designing Your User Experience Strategy: Part 1

Tracey Greene is the Chief Creative Director at Digital Artisans, KGL PubFactory’s lead design partner. In this three-part blog post series, Tracey shares valuable insights into maximizing discoverability and accessibility when creating your digital content platform.

Your website platform should be available to every person on any device. The following are critical considerations in a “mobile-first” world for maximizing discoverability and accessibility when creating the optimal user experience for journeys across all of your digital content.

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KGL and the Scientific Publishing Community

KGL and the Scientific Publishing Community

It’s no secret that Sheridan Journal Services (now part of KGL) is dedicated to the scientific publishing community. This commitment is most strongly evidenced through Sheridan’s long-term and significant involvement with the Council of Science Editors (CSE). Through the years, Sheridan folks have held board and leadership positions, served on committees, and presented many courses to the CSE body.

We’d like to highlight two members of the SJS Publishing Services team who currently have active roles with CSE. Both Nancy Devaux, Process Improvement Manager, and Peter Olson, Senior Copyediting Coordinator, have participated in a variety of ways over the past decade to share their professional insights and expertise.

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Fast-Tracking COVID-19 Research

Fast-Tracking COVID-19 Research

Five Questions for Debbie McClanahan, KGL’s VP of Journal Publishing Services

I wanted to look deeper into other areas of the research workflow that can be expedited in the cause of helping authors and publishers vet and distribute important discoveries. So I consulted one of our internal experts, KGL’s Debbie McClanahan, VP of Journal Publishing Services, to draw on her decades of experience helping academic publishers take their content from accepted manuscript to copyedited, typeset and verified articles available for download.

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How Publishers Can Put AI to Use in the Pandemic

How Publishers Can Put AI to Use in the Pandemic

Earlier in the year we predicted how artificial intelligence could impact the industry in 2020—with AI applications being created and perfected to increase discoverability, improve user experience, automate tedious clerical work, analyze trends, and expand the peer review pool. We also noted that publishers were beginning to feel less tentative about adopting these solutions into their workflows. At the time, we could not have imagined that a global pandemic would disrupt the industry and society in the way that it has. So in light of recent events, we wanted to revisit a few ways this technology can immediately be used to assist researchers, publishers, and the wider world.

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Publishing as an Essential Business

Publishing as an Essential Business

A round-up of how the industry is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic

In these challenging times, there has been much discussion of what qualifies as an “essential business.” There is the debate around which establishments should be allowed to continue physical operations during a social distancing shutdown (are liquor stores, bike shops and video games as essential as grocery stores and the healthcare supply chain?). Some organizational habits like meeting culture, long commutes and digital red tape have already been exposed as decidedly nonessential for a post-crisis world. But while the majority of us adjust to working from home (a luxury obviously not afforded to many frontline professions), the coronavirus pandemic is unfolding as an occasion for the industry to prove its worth.

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COVID-19 and rapid publication: the new normal for scholarly communications?

COVID-19 and rapid publication: the new normal for scholarly communications?

Last week, a group of 30 epidemic modeling specialists going by the name of ‘the Imperial College COVID-19 Response Team’ released a 20-page document highlighting several stark truths about the strategies being deployed by the US and UK governments as they confronted the unprecedented challenges of the rampant global COVID-19 pandemic.

The scientists warned of the potentially devastating consequences of the ‘mitigation’ approaches being adopted, projecting 250,000 deaths in the UK and as many as 1.2m in the US should we continue along the same paths, while suggesting that a ‘suppression’ strategy would be far more effective at limiting the human cost and impact on healthcare systems.

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A Look Ahead at Publishing in 2020: AI, AR, Plan S and More

A Look Ahead at Publishing in 2020: AI, AR, Plan S and More

As 2020 begins, we look at what the year holds for publishers of all kinds, and how technology can help them improve their systems, increase revenue, reach new readers, and more.

#AI #technology #innovation #automation #workflow #AR #PlanS

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Bias in AI: Lessons for Publishers

Bias in AI: Lessons for Publishers

During the Frankfurt Book Fair, we teamed up with Springer Nature to host a panel debate entitled “AI 2.0: Machine-Generated Content, Intelligent Automation, and the Future of Academic Publishing” in which speakers from KGL (Cenveo at the time), HighWire Press, and Springer Nature explored ways in which publishers are implementing artificial intelligence and machine learning.

During the discussion, the panelists were asked if there are any drawbacks for publishers relying on this technology to automate processes. Jim Longo, VP of Product Management for HighWire, noted that one of the challenges that has come up is the issue of bias. Because humans are at the heart of writing the code or training machines to perform tasks, the technology is reliant on the perspectives and experiences of those individuals creating the algorithms that could inherently lead to unintended bias.

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AI 2.0: Machine-Generated Content, Intelligent Automation, and the Future of Academic Publishing

AI 2.0: Machine-Generated Content, Intelligent Automation, and the Future of Academic Publishing

Every year at the Frankfurt Book Fair, there is a buzzword or phrase that continues to pop up on panels, in articles, and in conversations and meetings. In the past, we have seen ‘big data’ and ‘blockchain’ dominate the headlines, but this year’s buzz word (or acronym) was ‘AI,’ as publishers, information professionals, service providers, and the media debated how this technology can be used in the industry.

Because machine learning and artificial intelligence are integral to KGL’s work helping to alleviate pain points for publishers, we partnered with Springer Nature to host a panel entitled “AI 2.0: Machine-Generated Content, Intelligent Automation, and the Future of Academic Publishing.” On the panel, speakers from KGL (Cenveo at the time), HighWire, and Springer Nature talked about everything from workflow automation and high-speed publishing, to companies that use machine learning and AI for discovery, peer review, and even highlighted emerging technologies which allow publishers to offer a broader range of tools and services to serve researchers and authors.

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AI Goes from Disruptive to Imperative

AI Goes from Disruptive to Imperative

This article first appeared in the Publishers Weekly Frankfurt Show Daily on October 16, 2019.

Publishers have looked on as machine learning technology has developed—but now it’s time to leap.

Over the course of the last five years, AI, natural language processing (NLP), and machine learning (ML) have been much talked about, as well as trialed and tested, in the publishing industry. These technologies are often the focus of panel discussions at conferences such as this one, discussions that have illustrated how AI could be used for a variety of purposes: discovery, peer review, bestseller predictions, and, perhaps most importantly, improving publisher efficiency.

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The Case for a New Alt Text Strategy

The Case for a New Alt Text Strategy

In recent years, Alt Text—a contextual description that conveys information on the appearance and function of an image or graphic in digital content—has become a hot topic for publishers. A common practice in education publishing where accessibility standards come in to play, there has been a wider awakening regarding the art and benefits of applying effective Alt Text for publishers and authors, particularly in the STM domain.

While many refer to the challenges involved in getting it right, publishers shouldn’t be intimidated by the basics, but rather begin to apply image accessibility as part of a successful online content strategy.

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Accessibility Takes Center Stage, Finally

Accessibility Takes Center Stage, Finally

At the 2019 Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) Annual Meeting in San Diego, KGL was excited to see accessibility at the forefront of the agenda, with keynotes and panel debates tackling the topic from varying angles. We hosted a seminar entitled “Digital Equality: The Importance of Accessibility in Your Publishing Strategy” which included guest speakers Pamela Starr from San Diego State University; Caroline Desrosiers, formerly of SAGE and founder of textBOX Digital; and our very own Atul Goel. The following are the key takeaways from the discussion.

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AI and NLP in Publishing – Three Key Lessons from Industry Insiders

AI and NLP in Publishing – Three Key Lessons from Industry Insiders

Recently we teamed up with Publishing Executive magazine to host an informative and enlightening webinar entitled “How Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing Can Increase the Speed and Quality of Publishing”, which explored current use cases and future applications of AI and NLP.

This much-needed discussion demonstrated how publishers are working closely with technology providers to implement AI in an effort to help improve manuscript evaluation, simplify the editing process, improve author experience and boost the immediacy of science and research in the academic publishing sector. Here are just three of the many things we learned from the webinar.

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WEBINAR: How AI and Natural Language Processing Can Increase the Speed and Quality of Publishing

WEBINAR: How AI and Natural Language Processing Can Increase the Speed and Quality of Publishing

A free webinar available on demand from Publishing Executive, sponsored by KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd. (formerly Cenveo Publisher Services)

For quite a few years, artificial intelligence seemed like just another buzzy term with vague implications on the publishing industry. But now, publishers are putting it into action. Through a range of applications, AI and natural language processing are being used by publishers to streamline workflows, produce higher-quality content, and improve the author experience. Greater automation also frees up valuable time to focus on critical efforts requiring human analysis and subject matter expertise. This webinar will explore current use cases and future applications of AI and NLP in the publishing sector and how they’re combining to make research and publications more timely, relevant and useful.

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AI and NLP for Publishers: How Artificial Intelligence & Natural Language Processing Are Transforming Scholarly Communications

AI and NLP for Publishers: How Artificial Intelligence & Natural Language Processing Are Transforming Scholarly Communications

For scholarly publishers, AI capabilities have advanced to a degree that they can actually automate significant portions of their workflows, with massive implications for their businesses, their authors and the research community. In our latest report, AI and NLP for Publishers, we explore how AI and NLP are being used today in scholarly publishing and how it may impact the evolution of research. We also explore how the technology works and how publishers like Taylor & Francis are, with the help of KnowledgeWorks Global Ltd., realizing the benefits of intelligent automation.

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